Who Can Help
Professional photographers, child placing agencies, concerned citizens, business people, state agencies and others concerned about child adoption issues have stepped up to meet the need and present children waiting for adoption with dignity in artistic fine art portraits.
Beautiful Heart Gallery portraits capture the children’s individuality, their smile and spirit. These portraits are framed and displayed throughout the community in different venues. Adoption premieres, galas, and expos are organized where hundreds of families come to learn about adoption and view the children’s portraits.
Many of the Heart Gallery children have been placed with loving adoptive families and many other children have been placed due to the adoption awareness that is spread throughout the community through Heart Gallery events.
Volunteer and In-Kind for Heart Gallery
To volunteer or make in-kind donations for Heart Gallery of America ® Inc. events, please go to the Contact Us page and fill out the form. Some of the volunteer opportunities are:
Help locate venues for Heart Gallery of America National events
Assist in web content development, editing, and maintenance
Assist in National events and fundraisers
Promote Heart Gallery nationally
Locate national celebrity spokepersons
Marketing strategies to support adoption through Heart Gallery
In Your State
If you would like to volunteer in your state please go to your state’s Heart Gallery page. The contact information for you to call or email is located there. You can find your state in the section Heart Galleries By State. Some of the volunteer/in-kind opportunities include but are not limited to:
Help organize beauty & barbershop "hair days" prior to the photo shoots
Website design/developers and maintainers
Brochure, invitation and other print material designers
Transport portraits to the different venues
Assist in setup and tear-down of the portrait displays
Special Events/Fundraisers
Host the Heart Gallery portraits at your agency, church, museum, business, library, airport, City Hall, government agency or State Capital.
Help with creating Life Books-These serve as a scrap book/photo albums that allow children to retain memories of their lives with their foster parents, foster siblings, etc.
Other activities as needed
If you are unable to bring a child into your home, please help us find those who can with a generous donation to Heart Gallery of America Inc. Your contribution is tax deductible. Any amount $1.00 or more is appreciated.