OH Directory (Domestic)
Adoption Agencies

This is a list of adoption agencies licensed by the state of Indiana.
It comes from information maintained by the United States Department of Health and Human Services
If you need to make a change, please contact them directly at nfcadupdates@childwelfare.gov or (800) 394-3366 .
If you represent any of these agencies, you can make corrections there and we will pick it up in a day or two.
Adolescent Oasis, Inc.
320 Linwood Street
Dayton, Ohio 45405
Phone: (937) 228-2810
Fax: (937) 228-2815
Email: adolescentoasis@peoplepc.com
Primary Function(s):
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Adopt America Network
3100 W. Central Avenue
Suite 225
Toledo, Ohio 43606
Email: adoption@adoptamericanetwork.org
Contact Form: http://www.adoptamericanetwork.org/contact-us/
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Adoption Circle
400 South Fifth St
Suite 304
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone: (614) 237-7222
Toll-Free: (800) 927-7222
Fax: (614) 237-8484
Email: info@AdoptionCircle.org
Contact Form: http://www.adoptioncircle.org/contact-us/
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
Adoption Link, Inc.
512 Dayton Street
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387
Phone: (937) 767-2466
Toll-Free: (800) 643-3356
Fax: (937) 767-2706
Email: naomi@adoptionlink.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Adoption Professionals, LLC
2758 Erie Ave
2nd Floor
Cincinnati, Ohio 45208
Phone: (513) 321-2229
Email: ApAdopt@gmail.com
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Adoption S.T.A.R.
433 W. Loveland Avenue
Loveland, Ohio 45140
Phone: (716) 639-3900
Toll-Free: 1-866-691-3300
Fax: (513) 697-7827
Email: angela@adoptionstar.com
Primary Function(s):
- Birth Family and Search Support Groups
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
Adriel School, Inc.
414 North Detroit Street
PO Box 188
West Liberty, Ohio 43357
Phone: (937) 465-0010
Toll-Free: (800) 262-0065
Fax: (937) 465-8690
Email: referrals@adriel.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Agape for Youth, Inc.
2300 S. Edwin C. Moses Blvd.
Suite 140
Dayton, Ohio 45417
Phone: (937) 439-4406
Fax: (937) 439-2908
Contact Form: https://www.agapeforyouth.com/?page_id=37
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
All God's Children International
4100 Executive Park Drive, Suite 20
Cincinnati, Ohio 45241
Phone: (513) 886-7183
Toll-Free: (800) 214-6719
Email: ohio@allgodschildren.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
America World Adoption Association
3691 Kersdale Place
Pataskala, Ohio 43062
Phone: (866) 417-0742
Phone: 800-429-3369 x 177
Fax: 888-466-8922
Email: ohio@awaa.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
Applewood Centers, Inc.
10427 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44102
Phone: (216) 521-6511
Phone: (216) 696-6815
Email: hsamuto@applewoodcenters.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Bair Foundation
655 E. Dublin-Granville Rd.
Ste. 290
Columbus, Ohio 43229
Phone: (330) 673-6339
Toll-Free: (800) 543-7037
Fax: (330) 673-6441
Email: info@bair.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Beech Brook
3737 Lander Road
Pepper Pike, Ohio 44124
Phone: (216) 831-2255
Toll-Free: 877.546.1225
Fax: (216) 378-4525
Email: information@beechbrook.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
Bellefaire Jewish Children's Bureau
22001 Fairmount Boulevard
Shaker Heights, Ohio 44118
Phone: (216) 932-2800
Toll-Free: (800) 879-2522
Fax: 216-932-6704
Email: info@bellefairejcb.org
Contact Form: http://www.bellefairejcb.org/contact-us/contact-bellefaire-jcb-form
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
Brightside Adoption Connection
118 W. Streetsboro Street
Suite 88
Hudson, Ohio 44236
Phone: (330) 618-9406
Toll-Free: (800) 745-2198
Email: monica@brightsideadoption.com
Contact Form: http://www.brightsideadoption.com/contact-us/
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Building Blocks Adoption Service, Inc.
52 Public Square
Medina, Ohio 44258
Phone: (330) 725-5521
Toll-Free: (866) 321-2367
Fax: (330) 725-0672
Email: ohio@bbas.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
Caring for Kids, Inc.
650 Graham Road
Suite 101
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221
Phone: (330) 928-0044
Toll-Free: (800) 254-1725
Fax: (330) 928-0303
Email: info@cfkadopt.org
Contact Form: https://cfkadopt.org/contact/
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
- Foster Care and Adoption Education and Training
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
922 West Riverview Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45407
Phone: (937) 223-7217
Toll-Free: (800) 300-2937
Fax: (937) 222-6750
Email: cssmv@cssmv.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
Choosing Hope Adoptions
616 N. Limestone
Top Floor
Springfield, Ohio 45503
Phone: (937) 471-2954
Email: info@choosinghopeadoptions.com
Contact Form: http://www.choosinghopeadoptions.org/contact.html
Primary Function(s):
- Birth Family and Search Support Groups
- Foster Care and Adoption Education and Training
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Christian Children's Home of Ohio
PO Box 765
2685 Armstrong Road
Wooster, Ohio 44691
Phone: (330) 345-7949
Primary Function(s):
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Focus on Youth
8904 Brookside Ct
West Chester, Ohio 45069
Phone: (513) 644-1030
Fax: (513) 644-1025
Contact Form: https://focusonyouth.com/contact-us/
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
House of New Hope, Inc.
8135 Mount Vernon Road
St. Louisville, Ohio 43071
Phone: (740) 345-5437
Toll-Free: (888) 200-1296
Fax: (888) 810-6162
Email: ryoung@houseofnewhope.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Inner Peace Homes, Inc.
136 1/2 South Main Street
PO Box 895
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
Phone: (419) 354-6525
Fax: (419) 354-6016
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Mended Reeds
Ironton, Ohio 45638
Phone: (740) 532-1613
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Mid-Western Children's Home
4585 Long Spurling Road
PO Box 48
Pleasant Plain, Ohio 45162
Phone: (513) 877-2141
Fax: (513) 877-2145
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
National Youth Advocate Program
1801 Watermark Drive
Suite 200
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone: (614) 487-8758
Toll-Free: 888-202-2965
Fax: 614-487-8759
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
Northeast Ohio Adoption Services
5000 East Market Street
Suite 26
Warren, Ohio 44484
Phone: (330) 856-5582
Toll-Free: (800) 686-6627
Fax: (330) 856-5586
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
Oasis Therapeutic Foster Care Network, Inc.
34265 State Route 681 East
Albany, Ohio 45710
Phone: (877) 325-1558
Phone: (740) 698-0340
Fax: (740) 698-0821
Email: oasisfostercare@yahoo.com
Contact Form: http://www.oasistherapeuticfostercare.com/contact_us
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
202 East Bagley Road
Berea, Ohio 44017
Phone: (440) 234-2006
Toll-Free: (800) 639-4974
Fax: (440) 260-8388
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Pathway Caring for Children
4895 Dressler Road, NW
Suite A
Canton, Ohio 44718
Phone: (330) 493-0083
Toll-Free: (800) 838-7284
Fax: (330) 493-3689
Email: info@pathwaycfc.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Foster Care and Adoption Education and Training
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
Private Adoption Services, Inc.
3411 Michigan Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45208
Phone: (513) 871-5777
Toll-Free: (888) 231-3339
Fax: (513) 871-8582
Email: adopt@fuse.net
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth
10100 Elida Road
Delphos, Ohio 45833
Phone: (419) 695-8010
Toll-Free: (800) 532-7239
Email: info@safy.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
- Foster Care and Adoption Education and Training
Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY)
4615 Hilton Corporate Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43232
Phone: (614) 729-2924
Toll-Free: (888) 590-7239
Fax: (614) 729-2030
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
Spirit of Faith Adoptions
3315 Centennial Rd. A-2
Sylvania, Ohio 43560
Phone: (419) 843-5355
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Synergy Family Foster Care
769 East Main Street, PO Box 875
Chilicothe, Ohio 45601
Phone: (740) 779-6636
Email: synergyffc@yahoo.com
Contact Form: https://synergyffc.com/contact-us/
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
Start Your Recovery
Start Your Recovery is a groundbreaking website developed by bringing together experts in substance use disorder treatment from leading nonprofit, academic, and government institutions.
Here, parents can:
- Find local treatment options vetted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Filter to find personalized support options
- Find support groups and other important non-clinical resources
The Buckeye Ranch, Inc.
5665 Hoover Road
Grove City, Ohio 43123
Phone: (614) 384-7700
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
The Village Network
2000 Noble Dr.
Wooster, Ohio 44691
Phone: (330) 202-3800
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
United Methodist Children's Home
1033 High Street
Worthington, Ohio 43085
Phone: (614) 885-5020
Email: BARBV@PCE-Co.com
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
Youth Advocate Services
2323 W. Fifth Ave.
STE 150
Columbus, Ohio 43204
Phone: (614) 258-9927
Toll-Free: (855) 850-6112
Fax: (614) 487-9319
Email: desiree.weisel@yasohio.org
Contact Form: https://www.yasohio.org/contact-us.html
Primary Function(s):
- Foster Care and Adoption Education and Training
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups