District of Columbia (Domestic) Adoption Agencies

This is a list of adoption agencies licensed by the state of District of Columbia.
It comes from information maintained by the United States Department of Health and Human Services
If you need to make a change, please contact them directly at nfcadupdates@childwelfare.gov or (800) 394-3366 .
If you represent any of these agencies, you can make corrections there and we will pick it up in a day or two.
Adopolis, Inc.
5247 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Unit 3, Second Floor
Washington, District of Columbia 20015
Phone: (202) 302-9462
Email: constanzacardoso@usa.net
Primary Function(s):
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Foster Care and Adoption Education and Training
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
Cradle of Hope Adoption Center
1629 K Street NW
Suite 317
Washington, District of Columbia 20006
Phone: (202) 466-0973
Email: info@cradlehope.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
Latin American Youth Center
1419 Columbia Road, NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20009
Phone: (202) 319-2225
Email: Lupi@layc-dc.org
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area
4406 Georgia Avenue NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20011-7124
Phone: (202) 723-3000
Fax: (202) 723-3303
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
Progressive Life Center, Inc.
1933 Montana Ave, N.E.
Washington, District of Columbia 20002
Phone: (202) 842-2016
Email: laurence.jackson@plcntu.org
Primary Function(s):
- Kinship,Foster Care and Adoption Support Groups
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Private Intercountry Adoption Agencies
The National Center for Children and Families
1438 Rhode Island Avenue NE
Washington, District of Columbia 20018
Phone: (202) 543-3217
Fax: (202) 543-4508
Primary Function(s):
- Private Domestic Foster Care and Adoption Agencies
- Foster Care and Adoption Education and Training