Heart Gallery of America ® Inc. Board of Directors
Matthew Straeb, President
In September 2006, Matthew co-founded the Heart Gallery of Broward in response to the need he observed in his community for this service. During its short tenure, Heart Gallery of Broward has achieved an above-average success rate of 40 percent, having already helped place 70 children in loving, permanent homes. Recognizing the benefits a national network of Heart Galleries could have, he co-founded and organized the Heart Gallery of America in August 2008. As co-founder of the national organization, Matt leads this group to share resources and broaden the pool of families seeking to adopt.
The Heart Gallery of America, comprised of 100 individual heart galleries, also launched ww.heartgalleryofamerica.org, a comprehensive reference tool and informational index for prospective families. Recently, he founded the Florida Association of Heart Galleries to organize the 15 Florida Heart Galleries and advocate for adoption in the Florida State Capiton Region. In 2009, he received the Florida Governor’s Points of Light Award.
Matthew is married and has two daughters. He graduated from Southern Methodist University with a BSEE. His business career focused on radio/TV and film technologies.
Heart Gallery of America ® Inc. Regional Directors
If you run a Heart Gallery and would like to step up to mentor other
galleries, as they start, please get in touch! Sure! It’s fun!
South Atlantic Region
Millie Qualls
South Carolina Heart Gallery
1205 Pendleton Street, Room 436
Columbia, SC 29201